
Re-imagine our public spaces! Every summer, activity hubs anchor over a mile of city streets open for people to walk, bike and play. You’ll find giant games in the parks, bicycle-powered rides, art activities, local food and drink, street installations, dance, live music and more.

Local Organizations & Businesses

You can sign up to host activities in a park or along the street. All participating groups must host an interactive activity that aligns with the goals of the event. There is a suggested donation of $35 for participating community groups/non-profits. Businesses are encouraged to become event sponsors or pay a $75 activity fee.

Deadline: Friday, June 21st, 2024 is the last day to sign up to host an activity at a park!


Interested in selling food or drink at the event? We’d love to have you! Please fill out our vendor application form.

Update: We’ve reached our capacity for dessert vendors.


Each year, we have space for a limited number of musical and dance performances at each stage. If your group is interested, please contact us.